
LUC launches Transport & Movement Planning service

LUC is excited to launch a Transport & Movement Planning service to complement our existing offer. The new team will focus on the low carbon agenda by promoting active and sustainable transport modes.

With over 30% of the urban area devoted to accommodating the movement of people, there is a need to make transport work for all users whilst creating vibrant places.

This approach supports the economic viability of an area through promoting accessible places in addition to ensuring that all users and forms of transport have equal access rights to all places.

For too long the private vehicle has dominated the transport agenda. The switch to low carbon transport, alongside managing the need to travel, is a vital element to future planning and design challenges.

This, together with detailed knowledge of rapidly changing technologies, will be a key component of the advice our Transport team will provide our clients.

LUC offers a mix of disciplines to promote a robust environment within the net zero carbon agenda. We facilitate truly integrated spaces that meet the needs of all transport users.

The team is led by Neil McAlpine and Graeme Low. LUC continues to pioneer new ways of using technology to address accessibility and inclusivity issues in our industry.

Our GIS & Visualisation team has developed a digital platform to create engaging, interactive, accessible reports for clients. The platform is fully compliant with Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

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