Russwood Ltd

SILA Select® Siberian Larch

This species has long been used for cladding in North Europe. If specified generically, Larch can vary considerably in quality.

Siberian Larch into the naturally durable timber cladding market, previously dominated by Western Red Cedar, as a very strong and robust, relatively knot-free and visually consistent species suitable for all types of cladding application. Russwood can supply a selected quality SILA Select® grade of Siberian larch (The GOST sorting grades which are used in Russia and sold by most UK merchants do not meet our standards for natural durability or appearance).

Siberian Larch is referred to as a small movement wood. With the sapwood excluded on the external face it can be used untreated and unfinished for cladding. If sapwood is not excluded on the external face the wood requires treatment.

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